PUBLIC NOTICE OVERGROWN GRASS AND WEEDS TAKE NOTICE that there will be a public hearing before the Athens City Council on December 8, 2014, at 5:30 P.M., at the City Council meeting room at the Athens Police Department, which is located on Hobbs Street in Athens, Alabama. The purpose of the public hearing is to determine whether or not the conditions at the following real property constitutes a nuisance and should be abated by the City. The property is located in Athens, Alabama, and is described as follows: Tax Parcel #10-03-05-4-001-005.000, at 806 N. Beaty Street, Athens, Alabama, 35611. The property is claimed to be a nuisance due to weeds and vegetation located on the properties that are injurious to the general public health, safety, and general welfare by being unsightly and providing breeding grounds and shelter for rats, mice, snakes, mosquitoes, and other vermin, insects, or pests. Annette Barnes City Clerk The News Courier November 16 and 23, 2014