NOTICE OF CONSTABLE SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HUNT By virtue of Orders of Sale issued out of the Honorable DISTRICT COURT of HUNT County in the following cases on the ~ day of 3OA~ , ~ and to me, as CONSTABLE, directed and delivered, I will proceed to 7eilt 10:00 AM on the 3rd DAY OF February, 2015, which is the first Tuesday of said month, at the Official door of the Courthouse of said HUNT County, in the City of GREENVILLE, Texas, the following described property, to wit: Cause No: TAX20029 CITY OF WEST TA W AKONI vs. JAMES COOK TRACT I: BEING LOT 66, VANCEVILLE ADDITION, R82546. TRACT 2: BEING LOT 65, VANCEVILLE ADDITION, R82545 Cause No: TAX20312 CITY OF WEST TAWAKONI vs. JOE G MCGAHA, DECEASED BANNER ADDITION, BLOCK 4, LOT 23, 25, R39678. ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAX CODE. Levied on the as the property of said Defendants to satisfy the judgments rendered in the aove styled and numbered causes, plus all taxes, penalties, interest, and attorney fees accrued to the date of sale and all costs recoverable by law in favor of each jurisdiction. UNDER MY HAND THIS -... EPS1/10/15