STATE OF ALABAMA LIMESTONE COUNTY IN THE PROBATE COURT CASE NO 004-A115 NOTICE OF ADOPTION HEARING TO: DENNIS CHAD SMARTT OR TO ANY UNKNOWN FATHER OF ELEXA JANE SMARTT, A MINOR AND TO MICHELLE MARI HARVEY, MOTHER OF ELEXA JANE SMARTT Please take note that a petition for the adoption of the above named minor child who was born to Michelle Mari Harvey on or about the 7th day of July, 2006, has been filed in said Court. Please be advised that if you intend to contest this adoption you must file a written response with the attorney for the petitioners named below and with the Clerk of the Probate Court, as soon as possible but no later than thirty (30) days from the last day this notice is published. Laura M. Nichols Attorney for Petitioners Lamber Law Firm, LLC 112 W. Market St. Athens, AL 35611 256-431-4129 The News Courier January 11, 18, 25 and February 1, 2015