Channel: Ada Evening News Marketplace: Announcements
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lost dog “cosmo” male - 4 lb. ...

LOST DOG “COSMO” MALE - 4 lb. Chihuahua. White w/tan ears & face w/tan spots on body. Wearing a navy sweater that says “size doesn’t matter”. 8 years old, has health issues that require special care. If seen please CALL ASAP - ANY hour 580-399-6621 or 580-421-4698 CASH REWARD _________________

lost 1 year old black heifer i...

Lost 1 Year old Black Heifer in the Oakman area 1-2 weeks ago -Please call if found 580-320-5632 _______________


___________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ___________________________________ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA ONEOK STERLING III PIPELINE, L.L.C., Plaintiff, v. RICKY DEAN GRISSOM, Case No. CV-13-17 Judge Thomas S. Landrith NOTICE IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: RICKY DEAN GRISSOM, Deceased, and his unknown heirs, successors, administrators, trustees, executors, devises and assigns JESSICA RAE GRISSOM ERIN MARIE PAINTER SHAIN DANIEL BRAUM YOU WILL TAKE NOTICE that court-appointed commissioners (appraisers) filed in this case a majority report on April 12th, 2013. A copy of this report, as it pertains to the tract in which you have an interest, is attached to this Notice. If you wish to present a legal challenge to the attached report or contest the condemnor’s right to take the easements at issue, you or your lawyer must file a written exception to it in this office at the courthouse not later than thirty (30) days after the date the attached report was filed. Should you desire a jury trial on the amount of damages to be awarded, you or your lawyer must file a written demand for it in this office at the courthouse not later than sixty (60) days after the date the attached report was filed. You are advised that in computing the time limits to file the papers mentioned in this Notice, the date the commissioner’s report was filed is to be excluded, and the last day of the prescribed period included. If you fail to file an exception to the attached report or a demand for jury trial within the time limits given in this Notice, your property that is sought to be taken in this case may pass to the condemnor for the amount stated in the attached commissioner’s report. ISSUED this 29th day of April, 2013 PONTOTOC COUNTY COURT CLERK ss Ernestine Eubank Deputy Court Clerk ss B. Myers


___________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ___________________________________ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA ONEOK STERLING III PIPELINE, L.L.C., Plaintiff, v. RICKY DEAN GRISSOM, et al., Defendants. Case No. CV-13-17 Judge Thomas S. Landrith REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS I. On the 23rd day of April, 2013, the undersigned Commissioners appeared before this Court and took the oath prescribed by law, and, having been instructed by the Court, proceeded to inspect the property involved herein, described in the Petition attached to the Instructions to Commissioners. The property at issue in this proceeding is more particularly described on Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “B”, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. II. We determine the just compensation for the property taken in this proceeding, including, if any, the injury to the property left remaining after the taking, together with, if any, any damages to the property so taken (such as damages to crops), to be: $9250 III. Commissioner Fees: $3000.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands this 23rd day of April, 2013. ss _________________ George Anderson ss _________________ Clovis F. McKee ss _________________ Bob D. Stick Submitted by: John D. Dale, OBA No. 19787 Alicia J. Edwards, OBA No.21649 Barbara M. Moschovidis, OBA No. 31161 GABLEGOTWALS 1100 ONEOK Plaza 100 West Fifth Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 918-595-4800 (telephone) 918-595-4990 (facsimile) Dale E. Cottingham, OBA No. 1937 GABLEGOTWALS One Leadership Square, 15th Floor 211 North Robinson Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 405-235-5500 (telephone) 405-235- (facsimile) Attorneys for Plaintiff, ONEOK Sterling III Pipeline, L.L.C.

lost cell phone us cellular sa...

Lost Cell Phone US Cellular Samsung Android Galaxy 2 lost in vicinity of 14th & Monte Vista near Valley View- was left on top of car. Please call 580-332-8080 _______________

lost cat last seen in 1200 s. ...

Lost Cat last seen in 1200 S. Townsend area-White female with yellow and gray spots. Please call580-332-5332 or 580-332-7000 _______________

found 5 black yearling heifers...

Found 5 Black Yearling Heifers in Allen Area-For More Info call Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Office at 580-332-6419 _______________

lost: green & brown diaper bag...

LOST: Green & brown diaper bag. Lost between 9683 CR 3570 & Wal-mart. Please call 580-332-7543 or 580-399-7534 _________________


____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ 2011/2012 CFP Sidewalk Replacement for the Ada Housing Authority Project Number OK56P02450111/12 Offices located 1100 N. Stockton Ada, Oklahoma 74820 The ADA HOUSING AUTHORITY will receive sealed proposals at 1100 N. Stockton, Ada, Oklahoma 74820 until 10:00 a.m., June 18, 2013 for the 2011/12 CAPITAL FUND PROGRAM SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT involving modernization work at one Authority owned site; (OK24000002, LOW-RISE apartments) of which is located in Ada, Oklahoma. Bids will include all necessary labor, materials and equipment to accomplish the described work. Prebid conference will be held on Thursday, June 6, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. at the Ada Housing Authority Conference Room located at 1100 N. Stockton, Ada, Oklahoma. This is a “non-mandatory” conference, however attendance by bidder is highly recommended. All interested parties should contact Wendi J. Zachary, Ada Housing Authority at (580) 436-1613. Bid documents may be obtained at any time at the same number. All projects as performed on Housing Authority property are subject to certain requirements which are explained in detail in the bid documents.


____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ 2011/2012 CFP Natural Gas Generator Replacement for the Ada Housing Authority Project Number OK56P02450111/12 Offices located 1100 N. Stockton Ada, Oklahoma 74820 The ADA HOUSING AUTHORITY will receive sealed proposals at 1100 N. Stockton, Ada, Oklahoma 74820 until 11:00 a.m., June 18, 2013 for the 2011/12 CAPITAL FUND PROGRAM NATURAL GAS GENERATOR REPLACEMENT PROJECT involving modernization work at one Authority owned site; (OK24000001, a four story, 75 unit Elderly Hirise) of which is located in Ada, Oklahoma. Bids will include all necessary labor, materials and equipment to accomplish the described work. Prebid conference will be held on Thursday, June 6, 2013, at 11:00 p.m. at the Ada Housing Authority Conference Room located at 1100 N. Stockton, Ada, Oklahoma. This is a “non-mandatory” conference, however attendance by bidder is highly recommended. All interested parties should contact Wendi J. Zachary, Ada Housing Authority at (580) 436-1613. Bid documents may be obtained at any time at the same number. All projects as performed on Housing Authority property are subject to certain requirements which are explained in detail in the bid documents.


_________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE _________________________________ NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Case No. CJ-2013-62 JAMES R. GOBLE, JR.; UNKNOWN SPOUSE, IF ANY, OF JAMES R. GOBLE, JR.; UNKNOWN HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OF JAMES R. GOBLE, JR.; ALICIA LEI HARPER, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES ROBERT GOBLE, JR.; UNKNOWN TENANT, IF ANY, OF 413 E. 14TH STREET, ADA, OKLAHOMA 74820, if living, and if deceased, their Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns. The above stated Defendants will take notice that the Plaintiff, Arvest Mortgage Company, filed its Amended Petition in the District Court in and for Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, against the above stated Defendants, and said Defendants must answer said Amended Petition on or before the 1st day of July 1st, 2013, or said Amended Petition will be taken as true, and a judgment will be rendered in said action against the above named Defendants, foreclosing their interest in the following described real estate, to wit: ALL OF LOT 5 IN BLOCK 8 OF DAN HAYS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ADA, PONTOTOC COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT AND SURVEY THEREOF. and a judgment will be rendered on the promissory note against the Defendant, James R. Goble, Jr., adjudging that default has been made in said note and mortgage; and that Plaintiff has a valid, prior and superior mortgage lien on said real estate in the total amount of $34,184.86, with applicable interest, attorney’s fees and costs, for all of which judgment will be taken. Dated this 13th Day of May, 2013. Court Clerk of Pontotoc County By:__________________________ ss Karen Dunnigan ss B. Meyers W. Brent Kelley, OBA 11380 O. Saul Reid, OBA 20314 KELLEY & TAYLOR, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 6 N.E. 63rd Street, Suite 400 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Phone: (405) 848-6803 Fax: (405) 848-6876

$250/reward lost: beagle on fr...

$250/Reward Lost: Beagle On Fri. 5/3 at Twin Lakes RV Park. Answers to Charlie loves people but wants to come home. Call 405-604-1402 _________________


___________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ___________________________________ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA In the Matter of the Estate of Daisy L. Spencer, now Sandfur, Deceased. (3/4 Choctaw/ Seminole, NE (MGF 9902 PF1213). Case No. PB-2013-44 ORDER FOR AND NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Beverly Handshaw and Shirley Watkins have filed in this Court a Petition for Letters of Administration, Appointment of themselves as co-personal representatives, and for determination of heirs in the above captioned estate; said hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of the Court for the 4th day of June, 2013 at 9:00 am at the Courtroom of said Court in the Pontotoc County Courthouse in Ada, in the County and State aforesaid, and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have why the petition should not be granted. Dated this 14th day of May, 2013. ss Thomas S. Landrith Judge of the District Court Approved as to form: Stephanie Hudson, OBA # 15977 Collinne Wahkinney, OBA #12405 Oklahoma Indian Legal Services, Inc. 4200 Perimeter Center Drive, Suite 222 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405)943-6457 Attorney for Personal Representative


____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ CHICKASAW NATION DIVISION OF HOUSING REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF INTENT The Chickasaw Nation Division of Housing is Inviting Indian Owned Companies to submit a Statement of Intent to Bid on the removal and replacement of heating units and adding central air at 25 apartments located at the Henry Pratt Housing Addition in Marietta, Oklahoma. The Statement of Intent is to include the Company name, Address, Phone Number and proof of Indian Ownership. Send Statement of Intents to Chickasaw Nation Division of Housing Attn: Procurement Office at 111 Rosedale or PO Box 788, Ada, Ok 74820 (580)421- 8800 x 8828. The Procurement Office will accept the Statements of Intent until 12:00 pm on May 29, 2013.


____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ Notice of Bid Construction Manager is accepting bids on all sub-contract and material pricing. For Construction of the ECU Undergraduate Laboratory Remodel. Bids will be received at 2:00 PM June 11th at East Central University, Knight Hall Regents Room, 400 South Highland, Ada, Oklahoma. A Pre-Bid meeting will be held at the ECU Education Building, 116 S. Highland, Ada, Oklahoma at 10:30 AM on Friday, May 24th. Bid documents on CD are available from the Construction Manager free of charge plus cost of postage; Piazza Construction, 903-463-2384. Hard Copies may be purchased from, Triangle A&E, Inc. 7201 N. Broadway, Oklahoma City, OK 73101-0306. Contact Jim Garnett 405-848-4661


____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ The Ada City School System is participating in the Seamless Summer Food Program. Free breakfast will be served to all children 18 years and younger. This service will be at Glenwood School, 825 West 10th May 28th to June 21st beginning at 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. All children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability will be served.



____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc., Plaintiff, vs. Joanna Lee MacCollister, et al., Defendants. Case No. CJ-2012-254 Judge: Landrith NOTICE OF HEARING MOTION TO CONFIRM SALE THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: Joanna Lee MacCollister, a single person, Ronald J. Boyd and Penny L. Boyd and their Unknown Spouses, Tim Hensley and De'Amber D. Hensley and their Unknown Spouses, Marie Roundtree and Unknown Spouse, Barbara J. Kreis and Unknown Spouse; TAKE NOTICE that the Plaintiff has filed herein a Motion to Confirm Sale in the above entitled cause, requesting confirmation of that sale made by the Sheriff of Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma on May 1, 2013. The Motion to Confirm Sale will be heard before Judge Landrith in the Pontotoc County Courthouse on the 3rd day of June, 2013, at 9 o'clock A.M. You must appear at that time and present any objections you may have to the sale proceedings in this action, or the Motion to Confirm Sale will be sustained and the sale confirmed. Dated this 6th day of May, 2013. _________________________ ss Collin M. Hinds, OBA # 17391 Hinds Law Firm 1611 S. Denver Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119 (918)582-7472

lost dog “cosmo” male - 4 lb. ...

LOST DOG “COSMO” MALE - 4 lb. Chihuahua. White w/tan ears & face w/tan spots on body. Wearing a navy sweater that says “size doesn’t matter”. 8 years old, has health issues that require special care. If seen please CALL ASAP - ANY hour 580-399-6621 or 580-421-4698 CASH REWARD _________________

lost dog black male pomeranian...

Lost Dog Black Male Pomeranian lost at 19th & Oak Street-Please call Karen at 405-584-0312 _______________
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