Allah has many names, but not one of those names is God.
allah has many names, but not ...
lost family pet byng 2 year ol...
Lost Family Pet Byng 2 year old Male Yorkie. Went missing Thursday night. wearing red collar with tags. 580-320-3636 ______________
____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA LARKIN ENERGY, INC., an Oklahoma corporation Plaintiffs, PIPELINE TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC., a Texas corporation, Defendant. Case No. CJ-2012-153 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION TO: PIPELINE TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC., a Texas corporation (the Defendant). You are hereby notified that LARKIN ENERGY, INC., an Oklahoma coporation (the Plaintiff), has filed in the District Court of Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, a Petition seeking to foreclose all of the Defendants right, title, and interest in and to the following described oil and gas leasehold estate situated in Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma: Davis Lease NW/4 SE/4 of Section 20, Township 5 North, Range 7 East. The oil and gas leasehold estate described above, including without limitation, the equipment used and associated therewith, shall be referred to herein as the Leasehold Estate. The action alleges that the Defendant has defaulted on monies owed for materials, machinery, and supplies furnished and labor or services performed in monthly operations of the Leasehold Estate. You are hereby notified that you have been sued in this action and must answer the Petition filed by the Plaintiff on or before August 20, 2012, or the allegations contained in the Petition will be taken as true, the Defendants interest in the Leasehold Estate will be foreclosed, and judgment will be entered in favor of the Plaintiff in the amounts specified in the Petition filed herein, together with interest thereon at the statutory rate and costs of collection, attorneys fees and court costs as provided in the Order of the Court. WITNESS my hand and seal this 25th day of July, 2012. ERNESTINE EUBANK, Court Clerk By: /s/ P. Weaver Deputy SUSIE L. BOLIN, OBA #22069 CHARLES D. MAYHUE, OBA #5822 MAYHUE & STAFFORD Attorneys for the Plaintiff P. O. Box 1488 Ada, OK 74821 580-426-6500
lost dog female. black with wh...
Lost Dog Female. Black with white under her chin; docked tail. Older dog. Lost on east 9th Street. (580) 279-8012 _________________
special auction sunday august ...
Special Auction Sunday August 19, 2012 1:00 pm Pontotoc Agri-Plex 1710 N. Broadway Ada, OK 405-381-4500 Partial Listing: Outstanding 5 pc. Designer Bedroom suite; Oak Bow Glass China Cabinet with leaded beveled glass; Golden Oak Roll Top Desk; Curio Cabinet; Oak Side by Side Secretary with beveled mirror; Set of barrister stack bookcases; Victorian Sofa; Carved Throne chair, Chocolate cabinet, Carved Wood Mantle, Carved window bench, Cut crystal, Hand painted Nippon, Cloisonné, Marbles, Ertle Banks, Collectors Prints and Painting, New tooled Saddle, Art Glass Windows, Bronze statuary, Antique guns: 73 Winchester, 94 Winchester, 22 Winchester, Double action Colt, Thompson Center fire, and more. Collectors Coins including 50 Silver dollars. This is just a partial listing of the many quality items that will be sold at auction. Make plans early to attend. Terms: Cash or check with proper ID Announcements made day of Sale supersedes all other advertisements
missing chihuahua cosmo male...
MISSING CHIHUAHUA Cosmo Male 4 lbs. White w/tan head and tan spots on body. If seen please call ASAP 580-399-6621 or 580-421-4698. Generous Cash Reward _________________
____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA Creditors Recovery Corp. Plaintiff, v. Angelia Jones Defendant. Case No. CS-13-0134 PUBLICATION NOTICE THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT You will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court by the above Plaintiff, for an indebtedness on an open account. You must answer the petition filed by this Plaintiff in said court by September 13, 2013. If you fail to answer, the said petition will be taken as true and judgment will be granted to the Plaintiff for the amount alleged in the principal amount of $700.00, prejudgment interest in addition to interest from the date of Judgment as specified per Okla. Stat. tit 12,§727, court costs and a possible attorney fee. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court this 25 day of July, 2013. S/Karen Dunnigan Court Clerk S/P. Weaver Deputy Court Clerk S/Malcom P. Hammond Malcom P. Hammond, (OBA #3780) Attorney for the Plaintiff 10159 E. 11th St, Suite 501 Tulsa, OK 74128 (918) 296-1650
____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CITIFINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., Plaintiff, vs. BETTY HAMILTON, et al., Defendant(s). No. CJ-2012-219 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: Betty Hamilton, Harlean Hamilton TAKE NOTICE that you have been sued by CitiFinacial Services, Inc., and that you must answer the Petition of said Plaintiff on file in said cause on or before September 30, 2013, or the allegations of said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered, foreclosing any interest you may have in the following-described real estate (property) situated in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, to-wit: Lot Seven (7), in the DUB GEORGE SUBDIVISION, a Subdivision located in a part of the Northeast quarter (NE/4) of Section Six (6), Township Three (3) North, Range Six (6) East, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, for the sum of: Reason Amount Unpaid Prinicpal Balance: $92,387.91 Date of Default: 01/20/2011 Interest Due From: 12/20/2010 Fees & Costs of this Action Title Costs $1,097.00 including all subsequent advances by Plaintiff, if any, for taxes, insurance premiums, or expenses necessary for the preservation of the subject property, all costs of this action; reasonable attorneys fees and costs as the Court may allow, and the costs of foreclosing your interest in the property and ordering said property sold with or without appraisement as Plaintiff may elect, all of which you will take due notice. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 1st day of August, 2013. Karen Dunnigan, Court Clerk By: S/B. Myers DEPUTY COURT CLERK James H. Thiessen - #20354 John D. Weaver - #20364 Jordan L. Southerlake - #31233 BAER, TIMBERLAKE, COULSON & CATES, P.C. P.O. BOX 18486 Oklahoma City, OK 73154-0486 Telephone: (405) 842-7722 Facssimile: (405) 848-9349
____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ The Ada Public Works Authority / City of Ada, Oklahoma is soliciting requests for qualifications per the following: Request For Proposals Item: Qualified Professional Consulting Firms for a Water, Sewer and Garbage Cost of Service (Rate) Study Submittal Date: September 18, 2013 Mail to: City of Ada City Managers Office, 231 S. Townsend, Ada, OK 74820-6443 Any individual or vendor that can comply with certain conditions and specifications may submit RFPs. Detailed information can be obtained from Theresa Lewis in the City of Ada City Managers Office at 580/436-8001 or at
found in downtown ada area-you...
Found in Downtown Ada area-Young 6-9 month old Brindle colored male Lab Mix Call 580-320-0306 ______________
____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NO. FD-13-107 In the District Court within and for the County and State STATE OF OKLAHOMA ss. PONTOTOC COUNTY IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: AMBER MAE FINDLEY Petitioner and VERNIE LEON FINDLEY JR. Respondent The State of Oklahoma to the said Respondent, Greetings: You, the said Respondent, will take notice that you have been Sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a Dissolution of Marriage on the grounds of incompatibility and you must answer Petitioners petition filed herein on or before the 16th day of September, 2013, or said Petitioners will be rendered against you according to prayer of Petitioners petition. s/Karen Dunnigan Court Clerk s/P.Weaver Deputy Clerk s/Amber Mae Findley, Petitioner
stolen/lost guinea pig-male br...
Stolen/Lost Guinea Pig-Male Brown, Black, white. Has some health issues. If any information please call 580-436-1698 _______________
____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ Jackie Kent Lee, Keven Dean Lee & Sonya Stokeshave had no interest in the property mentioned for Sheriffs sale over 25 years. Our names should have not been named.
if anyone knows the whereabout...
If anyone knows the whereabouts of Andrew P. Wright please have him contact home ASAP
found dog 12 beagle-male in t...
Found Dog 12 Beagle-Male in the Allen area Call 918-633-2291 ______________
reward adult male black cat wi...
Reward Adult Male Black cat with Blue collar- Lost in vicinity of 700 Block of Kings Rd. Call 580-320-3091 _________________
____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE FORM 854 FILE Number: A0849756 Branch Towers, LLC is proposing to construct a 320 Guyed Tower. This tower will be lit by a Medium-Dual Intensity System. The tower will be located on the property legally described as listed below. PARENT TRACT DESCRIPTION The NE/4 of NE/4 of Section 26, Township 4 North, Range 4 East, LESS AND EXCEPT the following described tract: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of said Section 26; thence S 89°09'53" W a distance of 202.38 feet along the North section line to the point of beginning; thence S 0°17'38" W a distance of 219.00 feet; thence S 88°46'06" W a distance of 494.07 feet; thence N 0°17'38" E a distance of 222.00 feet to a point on the North section line of Section 26; thence N 89°06'58" E along the North section line a distance of 494.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2.5 acres, more or less. (JOINT TENANCY WARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 1889, PAGE 54, DEED RECORDS OF PONTOTOC COUNTY, OKLAHOMA) LESS AND EXCEPT:A strip, piece or parcel of land lying in part of the NE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 26, T4N, R4E, in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma. Said parcel of land being described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of said NE1/4 NE1/4, thence N 89°12'00" E along the North line of said NE1/4 NE1/4 a distance of 624.28 feet, thence S 00°19'45" W a distance of 99.37 feet, thence S 89°15'28" W a distance of 622.52 feet to a point on the West line of said NE1/4 NE1/4, thence N 00°40'59" W along said West line a distance of 98.67 feet to point of beginning. Also: Beginning at the NE corner of said NE1/4 NE1/4, thence S 89°12'00" W along the North line of said NE1/4 NE1/4 a distance of 202.38 feet, thence S 00°19'45" W a distance of 99.81 feet, thence N 89°15'28" E a distance of 204.18 feet to a point on the East line of said NE1/4 NE1/4, thence N 00°42'05" W along said East line a distance of 100.00 feet to point of beginning. Containing in both parcels 1.12 acres, more or less of new right-of-way, the remaining area included in the above description being right-of-way occupied by the present highway and section line. All bearings contained in this description are based on the Oklahoma State Plane Coordinate System and are not astronomical bearings. (WARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 2671, PAGE 282, DEED RECORDS OF PONTOTOC COUNTY, OKLAHOMA) LEASE SITE DESCRIPTION A tract of land lying in and being part of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section 26, Township 4 North, Range 4 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, as described in Book 1889, Page 54, Deed Records of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma; Said tract being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a Mag nail found for the Northeast corner of said NE/4; Thence S 00°41'59" E on the East line of said NE/4, a distance of 155.00 feet to a point on said East line; Thence S 89°18'01" W perpendicular to said East line, a distance of 60.00 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with cap set for the Northeast corner, said corner being the Point of Beginning; Thence S 00°41'59" E and parallel with said East line, a distance of 495.37 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with cap set for the Southeast corner; Thence N 60°41'59" W a distance of 495.37 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with cap set for the West corner; Thence N 59°18'01" E a distance of 495.37 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 106,258.93 square feet or 2.439 acres, more or less. ACCESS/UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A 30.00 foot wide easement for ingress, egress and utility purposes crossing a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section 26, Township 4 North, Range 4 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, as described in Book 1889, Page 54, Deed Records of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma; Said easement being 15.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at a Mag nail found for the Northeast corner of said NE/4; Thence S 00°41'59" E on the East line of said NE/4, a distance of 402.68 feet to a point on said East line; Thence S 89°18'01" W perpendicular to said East line, a distance of 16.50 feet to the Point of Beginning on the West Public Statutory Right-of-way line of County Road 346; Thence continuing S 89°18'01" W perpendicular to said East line, a distance of 161.50 feet to the Point of termination on the East compound line of the 2.439 acre Lease Site. Side lines of said easement to be shortened or extended such as to begin on the West Public Statutory Right-of-way line of County Road 346 and terminate on the East compound line of said 2.439 acre Lease Site. Interested persons may review the pending application by going to and entering the Form 854 File Number listed above. Interested persons may raise environmental concerns about the proposed structure by filing a Request for Environmental Review with the Federal Communications Commission. The Federal Communications Commission strongly encourages interested parties to file Requests for Environmental Review online. Instructions for making such filings can be found at Interested parties that would prefer to file a Request for Environmental Review by paper copy can submit to: FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554
missing dog red dachsund with ...
Missing Dog Red Dachsund with Red Collar-Reward if Found!!Please call 580-857-9974 _______________
reward lost female catahoula p...
Reward Lost Female Catahoula puppyBrown with black spots with white spot on eye 580-265-4480 580-399-1446 ________________
____________________________________ LEGAL NOTICE ____________________________________ Public Hearing Notice Notice is hereby given that the Town of Byng Board of Trustees will hold a Public Hearing to accept public comment in consideration of a proposed 140 foot self-support telecommunications tower in the regular meeting on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. at the Town of Byng Town Hall Building, 110 Byng Avenue, Byng, OK,. The proposed location for the tower is 206 S Main, Byng, OK, 74820. The public is cordially invited to attend this meeting and comment. Anyone desiring further information about this proposal may call the Town of Byng at 580-436-2545.